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Drabble Challenge Rules

Posted: 14-12-2008 22:22
by Ruyu_san
[u][i][b][size=18]Drabble Challenger Guidelines/Rules[/size]. [/b][/i][/u](as of 12/06/2008)
[size=9]*after reading the rules, please view the next post to see how to join[/size]


[u][i][b]Challenger[/b][/i][/u]: Effu-kun ~ Whom the challenge is issued by.
[u][i][b]For Username[/b][/i][/u]: Ruyu_san ~ Can be any individual from the participation list (see next post for list of participants)
[u][i][b]Prompts[/b][/i][/u]: Hair clips, cookies, camera phone, some sort of sleep over ~ List your prompts here
[u][i][b]Word Count[/b][/i][/u]: 200 ~ no less than 100 and no more than 1000 (give or take a few), within reason.)
[u][i][b]Rating[/b][/i][/u]: PG-13

*If you think you need to include any more information - then by all means, include it in your challenge. Word Counts and Ratings can be specified, but also left up to the person writing the drabble - whatever works for you. If someone has an established character that they’ve written, either from a fic they are currently writing or from a RP, you can request that they be included in the drabble. The challenger also has the right to request that the next drabble be a CONTINUATION of their drabble. If someone has a problem with this they can take it up with the challenge issuer or Ruyu_san.


When answering a challenge, you need to include the original challenge info with your drabble at the top of the post (see example).

Try to include as many prompts as you can that were issued to you and PLEASE stick to the required word count (if no word count was specified then DO NOT outrageously exceed 1000+). Also, include your ACTUAL word count so we can see how close you got. ^^

Titles are optional.

[b][u]Important[/u][/b]: When you post your drabble, be prepared with your new challenge info (it will be at the end of your post).

*reminder - If you would like to become available to be chosen for a challenge please see the next post for how to sign up.


The original challenge info will be posted in [color=red]RED[/color] and should be located at the top of your post.
[color=orange]Drabbles[/color] [color=darkred]can[/color] [color=violet]be[/color] [color=cyan]in[/color] [color=olive]any[/color] [color=brown]color[/color] EXCEPT the default forum color or[color=red] RED [/color](no yellow, please). The only colors in your post should be [color=red]RED[/color], your overall [color=violet]drabble color [/color]and the default white which you can use to write anything else in your post (comments on the challenge you received).

Your new challenge info should also be colored [color=red]RED[/color] and should be found at the end of your post…all set for the next person to drabble about.

You are all welcome to post as you wish in-between drabbles. This includes members who have not signed up to drabble. Please post only in the default forum color – NO COLORS in commenting posts. Colors should only be in the drabble posts. PERIOD. This way we know which posts are drabbles are which are not. If you do have colors in these posts – I will edit them.
[u][i]EXAMPLE: [/i][/u]

[color=red]Challenge issued by: Effu-kun
For Username: Ruyu_san
Prompt(s): Hair clips, cookies, camera phone, some sort of sleep over
WC: 200
Rating: R
Notes: Please include your original character Zane as found in “Inked”. [/color]

[color=violet]Title: Midnight Absurdity
WC: 194

Vivamus sollicitudin turpis gravida tellus. Suspendisse potenti. Donec posuere. Aliquam erat volutpat. Curabitur vehicula venenatis arcu. Suspendisse eget enim a quam ullamcorper venenatis. Nullam pulvinar. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam nisl. Sed eu augue. Suspendisse blandit sem. Vivamus tempor enim quis orci. Suspendisse id libero. Phasellus id lectus ut arcu luctus tincidunt. Aenean mi magna, commodo vitae, interdum sed, eleifend ac, enim. Suspendisse a enim a tortor sodales fringilla. Sed pellentesque, lectus dictum tempus feugiat, risus velit blandit sem, eu rhoncus arcu lectus vel leo. Nullam blandit, pede sit amet hendrerit facilisis, mauris sapien rhoncus nisi, eget elementum leo quam eu ipsum. Duis malesuada.
Integer urna lorem, consectetur ac, blandit quis, egestas id, neque. Fusce in augue quis orci pellentesque faucibus. Donec in nunc sed nulla ultricies tempus. Nulla elit. Curabitur tincidunt pede quis ipsum. Aenean libero velit, venenatis eget, bibendum sit amet, tincidunt in, odio. Quisque vel justo. Aliquam erat volutpat. Curabitur tellus. Vestibulum ipsum leo, vestibulum vel, laoreet vel, posuere a, ipsum. Duis vitae tortor nec velit fermentum faucibus. Mauris ac diam. Aliquam feugiat pede sed ipsum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Class.

End. [/color]

[color=red]Challenger: Ruyu_san
For Username: Metamorcy
Prompt(s): Christmas Decorations, Candy Canes, Ribbon and scissors, floor sex
WC: 500
Rating: NC-17 [/color]

(You may write in the forum color at the end of your drabble post. Talk about your drabble experience or enjoyment of writing it here. Give feedback or helpful hints to your fellow drabblers.)

Fiction submitted by users MUST be original, and their own! All stories are property of their authors, and should not be used without their permission.

Plagiarism will not be tolerated and may result in a ban from the site.
Contact Ruyu_san if you have questions or comments about the guidelines/rules or any problems that you may have.

*this post may be edited so please watch the date at the top of the post for updates.